Often budding startup businesses ask the question “Should I choose Android or iOS platform for business application building?” The answer to this question could depend on various factors which we would be addressing herein.We know that having a website is not enough in this business progression; a dynamic website is a great way to display your business goals, products, and ideology. But in order to reach your customers in a personalized manner, you would require a mobile friendly application. Applications give a personalized experience to your customers by addressing their individual requirements. You could consider any one of two famous application platforms, Android, and iOS, or both depending on what your business objectives are.Android Platform –Android is an operating system for mobiles came into existence back in the year 2008 by Google, since then a series of version have come into the market. The platform was made to enhance the functionality of smartphones through a range of applications, helping a user with almost every activity he does in a day. It is currently the most famous platform in developing countries, especially amongst low or medium income group. With Android mobile app development you could outgrow the possibilities of your business domain by targeting the developing customer market if it is your area of focus.Pros –
- Ease of coding
- Graphics support for both 2D and 3D
- Open source platform
- Hurdle free development environment
- Frequent updates are easy
- Creates advertisement supported apps
Cons –
- Drives less revenue for same development cost
- Application takes time to get to the market
- Interface problems could arise
- Security is not up to the mark
- Software-hardware compatibility could be an issue
iOS Platform –IOS is world’s most used operating system for mobile developed by Apple Inc., working on Apple’s own hardware and software. The operating system was developed specifically for iPads and iPhones back in the year 2007, supporting different kinds of functionalities on these handheld devices. This operating system is hugely popular amongst people living in developed high-income countries; especially due to amazing add-on features.By choosing iOS mobile app development you could target a wide range of iPhone customers, also you could outgrow your business possibilities if you already hold an Android platform and wishing to target a whole new array of customers.Pros –
- Secure application platform
- Software-hardware hurdles never arise
- Drives greater revenue on same investment
- Application gets faster to market
- Ease of testing
- Customers pay for app usage
Cons –
- Not open source
- Applications are heavy
- Programming is complicated
- Application updates take time
You could weigh the pros and cons of both the platforms before taking a leap. The choice of the best business platform depends on your company’s customer focus, business goals and technical resources.